Presentation: Tweet"Digital examinations of the future using HTML5"
HTML5 has many new features. These include the new "video" and "audio" elements, as well as the integration of SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) content that can replace the use of generic "object" tags. These features are designed to make it easy to include and handle multimedia and graphical content using open standards on the web without having to resort to proprietary plugins and APIs.
By using these features in combination with technologies like JSON, XML, CSS3, and good-old JavaScript, Orange11 presents a detailed case study of the assessment delivery system for the Computer Examination System for one of our customers CvE (College voor Examens). This innovative solution is a sneak preview into the future of examinations in the Dutch Education System.
The presentation will show how the existing Windows-only desktop application which requires redistribution for each new exam is replaced with a web-based application. And by replacing this application with a modern browser instantly providing access to all platforms (Windows, Mac and Linux) while maintaining and furthermore improving the same user experience.
In this presentation we will show you that the browser has become a serious platform. Maybe the only platform for applications in the future?
Keywords: HTML5, SVG, Javascript, Java, Front-end architecture, QTI
Target Audience: developers, architects